The mission of the FBVC is to support and encourage our athletes and coaches in their pursuit for excellence in volleyball. By bringing high level technical training to the Western Maryland area, FBVC strives to teach each player the value of teamwork, responsibility, self-discipline, and leadership giving every athlete the opportunity to be the best they can be on and off the volleyball court.
In 2014, starting with just 6 athletes the Frostburg Volleyball Club was born. Since 2014 we have expanded to what we now call the Frostburg Bobcat Volleyball Club and have anywhere from 3 to 5 teams a year with over 100 athletes that participate in training and/or travel opportunities.
· Focused on developing players for their high school and possible college careers.
· Provide a high level of technical training for players on three levels: Body, Mind & Heart.
· Ensure all players understand and are capable of all aspects of the game.
· Expose athletes to different levels of volleyball so they can recognize their own growth and accomplishments.
· Expose all athletes to the collegiate volleyball opportunities through recruiting efforts.
The Directors, Board Members and Coaches at FBVC emphasize development of the long-term athlete therefore we work individually with each athlete, to determine and help develop their long-term goals.
FBVC focuses on making each athlete the best volleyball player they can be. Players have increased practice opportunities through extra training sessions. In practices coaches concentrate on maximum number of touches of the ball using game-like situations.
​The FBVC will always challenge the athlete to be coachable and encourage them to have a teachable spirit. The FBVC will remind their athletes that growing and developing the game is not easy. The FBVC will be a part of the athlete’s volleyball journey as long as they continue to be committed.
Contact Us
Contact us for more details regarding travel and/or training opportunities.